One of the best signs of a follower of Jesus is a desire to serve. We believe that the church is called to serve because Jesus served and so we do so with an outpouring of love for Jesus and each other. Join us!
renovation KiDZ
83% of all believers alive today were led to Jesus before the age of 14. 83%. We are laser focused on leading children into the loving arms of Jesus. Join us by signing up to serve once a month and help pour into the hearts and lives of children who will grow up to change the culture and the world!

F.I.T. Ministry
You only get one chance to make a first impression. We want our guests and members to know that Jesus loves them and we love them. We will meet them in the parking lot, greet them at the door and guide them to KiDZ classes or a seat for worship. We need your help to love people and let them know that we see them. Join us by clicking the button below!